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Christ-Centered Easter Basket Gift Ideas for Kids

Kids with Easter baskets and plastic Easter eggs

Are you searching for Easter gift ideas for your child’s basket that go beyond the ordinary chocolate bunnies and toy trinkets? If you want a great way to make this year the start of something more reflective of the true meaning of Easter, I have you covered! These Christ-centered Easter basket gift ideas would be perfect for your kids.

As my own children get older and more aware of each holiday throughout the year, I, too, have become more aware of each holiday and, additionally, just how far many holidays have strayed from their origin and meaning. How did we go from Easter being about celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ to a mascot "Easter" bunny leaving jelly beans and plastic Easter eggs for our kids? We, as a society, haven't just lost the meaning of the Easter season. We've lost the entire Easter story altogether.

For this reason, I have created a list of great ideas for Easter baskets that incorporate Christ-centered, faith-nurturing items that are fun and exciting for kids but also reminders of the true reason for Easter. Some of these items are directly related to Christ's resurrection, while other items are intended to help build upon the faith life of your child.

  1. Coloring Books - Have a creative little one who loves coloring? Gift them with a coloring book whose pages feature different Easter elements - Jesus, the cross, a little lamb, etc. - and Bible verses. You can purchase a pre-made coloring book or have fun making one by putting together your own packet of pages with specific images you’d like to include.

  2. Christian Storybooks / Easter Books - Reading is a big part of learning and, for young children, a fundamental part of life that I highly recommend all parents try to incorporate. It is so satisfying and beneficial to find a great book, so it is no surprise that I am including storybooks in this list! Find books that teach who Jesus is, what He did for us, and, of course, the story of Easter itself. You'll not only have the opportunity for more reading time, but this will create an opportunity for discussion with your own kids, regardless of what age group they're in. 

  3. Resurrection Eggs - You can still include eggs in your child’s Easter basket, but instead of filling all of them with candy, try including different objects or symbols that represent either the various parts of the resurrection of Christ, who Jesus is or simply that Jesus loves us. Some examples include the life of Jesus, the miracles of Jesus, Holy Week, or the resurrection itself. (Keep in mind your child’s age and whether they are old enough for smaller objects, as we do not want any choking risks here!) Fill some of your child’s eggs with figurines they can put on display in their room - or even play with.

  4. Stuffed animals or dolls - This is perfect for young kids and can be symbolic or direct, depending on which toy you choose to go with. You could include a stuffed animal lamb that represents Jesus, the Lamb of God, or you could find an actual stuffed doll of Jesus. I, for one, am partial to the latter simply because my daughter has a stuffed Jesus doll, and it is the most heart-warming thing when she says she wants to snuggle with Jesus for her bedtime!

  5. Easter Movies - This gift is a wonderful faith-based learning tool for older kids who are visual learners. Sometimes it can be difficult for them to understand the Bible stories we tell, and they could use a more direct depiction of those stories, so including a Christ-centered Easter movie that tells the story of the resurrection is a perfect resource for supplementing the teachings of Jesus you’ve already done or plan to do.

  6. Prayer Journal - Somewhat self-explanatory, this gift idea is intended to help nurture your child’s faith life through prayer. As we know, prayer builds our personal relationship with God, and He is constantly wanting us to talk with Him. For our kids who enjoy writing letters or writing in general, this idea would allow them to do something they love while also cultivating their relationship with God.

  7. Resurrection Garden Kit - Have a kiddo with a little green thumb? Put together a simple yet symbolic garden kit that represents Christ’s resurrection. You can DIY your own garden kit by collecting supplies yourself, or you can buy a pre-made kit from a place like Etsy. Either way, your child will have a hands-on experience setting the scene of Jesus and the empty tomb, all while planting seeds that are even more symbolic of new life.

  8. Easter-Themed Stickers - A simple idea, yet kids seem to still love stickers - and love putting them everywhere! (And in this case, would it really be too terrible to have Jesus stickers all over the house… I think not!) Stickers can be worn or placed on paper for kids to create a whole drawing around and would be a great way for little kids to participate in the celebration of Easter. There are plenty of Jesus-themed sticker books out there that you can use to inspire creativity. For example, have your child place some stickers on a blank piece of paper, then create an entire scene to go along with the sticker. Once finished, you can display it on the refrigerator, which is another plus since your child would constantly be seeing their artwork throughout the day every time they pass by. 

  9. Easter-Themed Clothing - This idea is good for younger kids but even better for teen girls, as they can dress for the season. It can range from socks or a hat to a t-shirt or pajamas. All it requires is something on the clothing that symbolizes or is representative of God, Easter, Jesus, faith, etc. It can be in the form of Bible verses on a shirt or a cross on a hat. Whatever you choose, Easter-themed clothing makes for fun Easter gifts while spreading God's word.  

  10. Christ-Centered Easter Treats - Now, don’t get me wrong, I do love to snack on the occasional chocolate bunny or Peep (especially on Easter Sunday), but for the purposes of this list, we just need to tweak the treats in a way that continues with the theme of the overall Easter basket. This could be in the form of personalized cookies in different shapes, symbolic of Jesus and His resurrection, or consistent with the chocolate-theme Easter baskets tend to have, but instead of a bunny, the chocolate is in the shape of a cross. You are still able to appease the sweet tooth in your child while also incorporating the faith aspect into the basket. 

Any one of these ideas creates a uniquely fun way to make a Christ-centered Easter basket for your little one. Unless specifically focused on and explained to our kids, Easter’s true meaning gets lost as if it’s among all the eggs left in the yard and ends up being the one egg that no one can seem to remember where it was hidden.

It may seem like not that big of a deal to have a more “traditional-themed” Easter basket like everyone else, but we, as Christians, are not called to live like everyone else. We are meant to stand out and be different for Christ, even in the small things, and especially with how we raise our kids. That's what makes Christian families stand apart from the rest of the world. Don’t let the sacrifice Jesus made get lost; learn it, teach it, and live it in a way that reminds others that Easter means more than what this world has to offer. 


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